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Une grande variété d’œuvres

My Creations

Original Art

Art Print


My work is a celebration of art, movement and tranquility. Explore my world, get inspired and, if you feel like it, share with me your own journey to harmony.

Who am I?

My Story

Photo de Jeanne Beaudry Art & Yoga méditation à propos


I'm Jeanne

Séparateur Lotus

Intuitive woman, mother of 2, artist, yogini, bohemian witch

I have always lived with a different, idealistic, mystical vision of life. I was a great dreamer and as a child I wanted to imagine worlds, to inspire and make people dream by becoming an illustrator for Disney World. I was fearful, embarrassed, contemplative. I didn't launch myself, I observed. I hesitated for a long time to assert myself, to find and show my truth. And then one day I felt like living a meaningful life, to inhabit each moment of my life completely, to become in harmony with the flow of life. I wanted to be free, to have pure confidence in the life force within me. I choose expansion I choose opening I choose love

I choose opening

I choose love

My Services

Séparateur Lotus

In my world, art and yoga combine in a colourful dance. Explore the harmony of creativity and serenity through my unique creations.

oeuvre sur mesure Jeanne Beadry Art & Yoga accueil

Custom artwork

A transformative experience to bring your great vision to light.

oeuvre originale tambour sur mesure Jeanne Beadry Art & Yoga accueil

Custom drum art

With it, we express our essence, and our abilities beyond what we imagine with our ordinary consciousness.

Femme tenant un pinceau Jeanne Beaudry Art & Yoga Travailler avec moi - accueil

Work with me

Illustration or art project


Some of my creations

mon histoire Jeanne Beadry Art & Yoga accueil

Welcome intuitive woman

Are you a sensitive woman looking for more time to connect with yourself? Do you want to take the time to live in the moment? Looking to soak up the flow of life? Are you searching for your truth through your spiritual journey?

Heartseed experience

Need inspiration in your life?


You know there is more and you want to reconnect to your essence?


Heartseed experience;


A transformative experience for the intuitive woman.

A journey through your essence to manifest your great vision. Bringing your source to light by creating a unique work of art representing you.

Art has allowed me to reconnect to my power and live in connection with the flow of life.


Art is a portal for sacred connection.

Your Heartseed artwork is a tool for transformation and anchoring that will accompany you daily like a sacred talisman.


We are infinite beings, intuitive women.

Do you want to feel the invisible, the quantum, in the depths of your heart and soul? To bring spirituality, ritual and connection to the forefront of your daily life?


For me, spirituality and life are one. The sacred is life. The Goddess is in us at every moment in all our facets and complexity.


I dream of a world where women are in their power, connected to their truth and believe in their dreams. Where mutual aid and sisterhood between women is put forward.


The sharing and transmission of knowledge between women is honoured. Each woman has the ability to go deep within herself and reclaim her power as an intuitive woman. What if we allowed ourselves to make the choice to live the sacred in the present moment. A world of oneness, union and connection.